Illicit Drug Surveys, Sampling and Labs
We provide property screening and testing for possible illicit drug-related issues with historic tenants, current occupants, or previous owners.
Illicit Drug Surveys, Sampling and Labs
We offer:
- methamphetamine property screening
- general illicit drug property screening and contamination investigation
- clandestine drug lab and associated contamination assessment
- forensic testing
- remediation action plans
- post remediation validation (clearances)
Who needs an illicit drugs survey?
We usually conduct illicit drug surveys for home buyers, business owners, property investors, and landlords where they suspect illicit drug issues relating to a property. We will investigate, test and report on all property types including units, houses, business premises, warehouse and agricultural properties.
What should I do if I suspect illegal drugs are being produced on my property?
If you suspect illegal drugs like methamphetamine are being produced on your property, contact us to discuss the common signs we look for. If we determine over the phone that there is suspicious activity, we can coordinate a site visit to inspect and take surface samples and photos.